Mission and Vision


To educate entrepreneurial and qualified individuals with a vocational formation in tourism, who know and can use information and communication technologies effectively, who have knowledge of English as well as a second foreign language, suited to the needs of the tourism sector, and to contribute to regional development.



The departments of Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts and Recreation are among the successful Tourism Faculties of the country, which aim to develop, are open to the innovations required by the era, are free and scientific, respect the law, produce, debate, serve the society and the country's economy, and are equipped to keep up with global competition.


Committed to Atatürk's principles and reforms,

Open, honest, reliable,

Believing in the universality of science,

Able to communicate effectively, work effectively and efficiently, know teamwork

To raise innovative and productive generations aiming to serve the society.