Our University Students Get Career Development Training by Working Business Club Experts

In partnership with our University’s Career Development Practice and Research Centre, the İŞKUR Business Club, our students were trained under the slogan “ISKUR Campus” in subjects such as entrepreneurship and social work programmes, job-seeking awareness, CV preparation and interview techniques.

The program at the Mediko Social Conference Hall was attended by students of our university. 

The training, conducted under the leadership of Business and Occupational Adviser Ömer Faruk Bozan, provided students with information on identifying themselves, identifying strengths and needs to be developed, setting goals, skills to be acquired before entering the workforce, building a job search network and preparing CVs.

Interviews with volunteer students were conducted during the training process. 

Dr. Emine Karakaplan Özer, Director of the Centre for Career Development Practice and Research, said: "Our Career Centre provided training on how to prepare our students for working life and how their attitudes should be in the conversation. The training programme we have carried out with the support of business and professional experts has been very productive. Last year, a thousand of our students benefited from this training. We aim to exceed that number this year."he said.

At the end of the programme, Business and Occupational Adviser Ömer Faruk Bozan was presented with a letter of thanks by Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Sabbağ, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism.